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Eat Nuts Daily!

Nuts are a tremendously simple food to eat, because there is virtually no prep work and they are completely portable - so grab a bag, and pop a few in your mouth!

But other than the fact that they are tasty and convenient, why should you eat them?  There are a number of reasons - with the top 3 listed below:

#1 - Well, we talk about your Inflammation Transformation, and it is well known that nuts have been shown to reduce levels of inflammation, especially in people with diabetes, kidney disease, and other serious health conditions.  So, on its own, this is a great reason to eat a few nuts daily!

#2 - Nuts may also be at the core of helping to significantly lower you risk of heart attack and stroke.  When you eat nuts, your 'bad' LDL particle size increases, your 'good' HDL cholesterol raises, and overall, it seems to improve artery function. 

And if that's not enough, they have been shown to lower triglycerides in people who are obese and those with diabetes.  As an added bonus, they appear to have cholesterol-lowering abilities due to their high content of monosaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.  If you're looking to help out some of your bloodwork numbers, nuts may be a great place to start!

And #3 - They are nutritious and high in fiber that may even aid in weight loss, despite the fact that they have a high caloric count. It is believed that despite being high in calories, your body doesn't absorb all the calories, as a portion of fat stays trapped within the nut's fibrous wall during digestion.


And there's a huge variety - some of the top ones to include into your diet are:

- Walnuts

- Almonds

- Brazil nuts

- Pistachios

- Pecans

- Pumpkin seeds

- Hazelnuts

You can eat them whole, chopped or made into a paste/butter, and they can be sprinkled on top of cereals, muffins and salads!!

Inflammation Transformation Tip of the Week: 

1)  Choose 3 types of nuts that you enjoy from the list above

2)  Each day, alternating with a different type of nut, ensure that you have a small handful of nuts. 

 Happy Eating!!  Sandra xox


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