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Inflammation Transformation Blog


Uncategorized May 17, 2022




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Sleeping Your Way to Lower Inflammation

Uncategorized May 17, 2022




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A Moment to Think - The Stress/Inflammation Connection

For many years now, it has been understood that both acute and chronic stress is connected with increased inflammatory activity.  And it is well-known that this inflammation is the underpinning to many diseases and conditions, with it listed as a key factor causing almost all chronic degenerative diseases. 

So, what are some of these chronic diseases?  The top 3 are heart disease, cancer and diabetes.  And how many people are impacted by this?  Well, latest numbers suggest that approximately half of all Americans (45%) currently have at least one chronic condition.  And it's becoming increasingly more common for people to have two or more chronic conditions.  No matter how you look at this, many people are impacted by this.  Maybe you know someone who is.  Maybe you are.

The great news is that there are a number of approaches you can take to help lower your levels of inflammation.  If we look at dealing with stressors, a key element...

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Eat Nuts Daily!

Nuts are a tremendously simple food to eat, because there is virtually no prep work and they are completely portable - so grab a bag, and pop a few in your mouth!

But other than the fact that they are tasty and convenient, why should you eat them?  There are a number of reasons - with the top 3 listed below:

#1 - Well, we talk about your Inflammation Transformation, and it is well known that nuts have been shown to reduce levels of inflammation, especially in people with diabetes, kidney disease, and other serious health conditions.  So, on its own, this is a great reason to eat a few nuts daily!

#2 - Nuts may also be at the core of helping to significantly lower you risk of heart attack and stroke.  When you eat nuts, your 'bad' LDL particle size increases, your 'good' HDL cholesterol raises, and overall, it seems to improve artery function. 

And if that's not enough, they have been shown to lower triglycerides in people who are obese and those with...

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Blueberries - An Anti-Inflammatory Super Power

It's amazing to think that just adding something into your diet has the potential to start lowering your inflammation.  Today, we're thinking about everything blueberry.  They're bursting with flavour - and they're also bursting with nutrient-dense value for your health.  Here are some important facts about blueberries!


Inflammation Transformation Tip of the Week: 

1)  Ensure that you add 1-2 handfuls of blueberries into your diet at least a few days out of the week, so don't forget to purchase some.

 Happy Eating!!  Sandra xox 


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Uncategorized Dec 15, 2020
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