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A Moment to Think - The Stress/Inflammation Connection

For many years now, it has been understood that both acute and chronic stress is connected with increased inflammatory activity.  And it is well-known that this inflammation is the underpinning to many diseases and conditions, with it listed as a key factor causing almost all chronic degenerative diseases. 

So, what are some of these chronic diseases?  The top 3 are heart disease, cancer and diabetes.  And how many people are impacted by this?  Well, latest numbers suggest that approximately half of all Americans (45%) currently have at least one chronic condition.  And it's becoming increasingly more common for people to have two or more chronic conditions.  No matter how you look at this, many people are impacted by this.  Maybe you know someone who is.  Maybe you are.

The great news is that there are a number of approaches you can take to help lower your levels of inflammation.  If we look at dealing with stressors, a key element is to understand exactly what some of these stressors are.  For instance, these include worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, anger...   Have you felt any of these lately?  Have you felt any of these on an ongoing basis?  

Well, it's time to stop and think.  Literally.  To get you out of the cycle of these emotions.  To stop being on an emotional treadmill.  

So, I want you to think of what actually makes you stop to think.   Is it solitude?  Enjoying a treat?  Nature?  A happy time - or a sad time?  

When was the last time you did this?  To stop.  To reflect.  Or to perhaps do nothing but hold a sandwich in your hands, chew and swallow it.  Not aware of what - or who, was around you.  When you last did this, how did time pass?  Did you even notice time passing?  

 * * * * * * * *

In all of this, it is important for you to remind yourself to take a moment.  Because it is easy for so many moments to pass by us and escape our consciousness.  And it's too easy to continue with our ongoing worries and concerns.

We spend each day rushing around to complete tasks.  Sometimes for others.  Sometimes for ourselves.  At the end of the day, we know we have been busy; yet do we really know exactly what we've accomplished?  

Inflammation Transformation Tip of the Week: 

1)  Take the time - a moment to think - once a week.  Schedule it.  The only requirement is that your thoughts remain present.

2)  And while you are there, don't let other thoughts permeate in your moment. Allow your thoughts to only reflect what the current moment is bringing to you.  The hope is for that moment to bring you some level of peace or contentment.  Try to find the good while you're in that moment.

 Happy Peace - Sandra xox 



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